Sunday, November 30, 2008


I know i have already posted a little bit about my familys obession with USC football (mostly my dads) but like i said it wasnt enough to justify it. So i decided to document just a FEW of the MANY other usc things i saw around the house during my visit home this week. I find myself so used to seeing the colors "cardinal and gold" around my house and it becomes easy to over look all the usc stuff we have in our house, but once i stopped to take all these pictures it became that much more ridiculous to me.


Tiffany + Jared said...

Good post. I like this. Really accentuates the craziness.

g.lock said...

oh my freaking crap! i have finally found someone that surpasses my grandpa and dad's combined obsession for sc. this is classic. i love your dad.

sarahjanedaily said...

usc chips? love it.

F|A|R|T said...

USC -33? Can't you guys do better than that?

kirk n stacy said...

And this is just a small sampling of all the USC Paraphernalia in my house. "It" (the obsession) is just exhausting.

Shari said...

Too funny-your dad is so obsessed!!!! It's a Baker thing!!

the organic kitchen said...

That is a little creepy...