Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring break continued...


lisa said...

hey!!! whos number do you have programed in your phone??? Gary or David??

Josh Baker said...

david's! I talked to gary and he said he would put in the good word and said " here is his number for a start"

Benjaman and Alexandria Brown said...

Shut up!!! THat is insane!!!! Vanessa will love you forever!!!

lisa said...

HOLLY CRAP!!! this is maddie. josh your so awsome. That is so so so cool? She wil love you forever!!!

Josh Baker said...

haha yeah i called it just for fun, he has a funny little voicemail. Lets hope he takes some time out of that busy schedule and makes it happen!

Vanessa & Travis McDonough said...

Are you serious? Nice work Josh! Now you just have to keep bugging gary haha and I want his number just so i can say i have it in phone!!

Josh Baker said...

haha well i will give you his numero if you tell me how your sissy is doing! i have hardly heard from her since she left, have u guys talked to her much. Give me your number and ill text you his...

Vanessa & Travis McDonough said...

Yay!! Okay Steph is doing really good! They went out to a villiage and her and sierra played with the kids and stuff and then the next day they went to an elementry school and she was able to use her spanish more cause she said the people in the village had a weird dialect. But she is having fun. They are staying in a nice hotel and every night they are going to nice dinners and i think for the next 3 days they are site seeing and stuff! I think that is a pretty good update! My number is 210-5912 i be waiting for your text! :D