Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I'm addicted.

So i did it. I finally humbled myself and have succumbed to the beverage that I for so long told myself i would never EVER fall for. and boy have I fallen hard. Diet Coke isnt just any ordinary drink in the Baker household. As if boxes upon boxes stacked on top of each in our pantry wasnt enough for us, My mom HAS to have her Diet Coke (size large) from Jimmy Deans each morning because of the special ice. I often would wake up to the sound of her cracking open a can in the morning during my high school years. We always tease her and her addiction and tell her she would be better off sticking a needle in her arm with a constant flow of diet coke. Yes she drinks it that much and yes it's that bad. Her addiction sickened me for the longest time. My father isnt a very selfish man but when it comes to buying normal, non diet, caffeinated soda it becomes quiet a struggle for the man. With the constant lack of normal soda in our home i finally decided to try Diet Coke... wait let me rephrase that. I didnt just decide to try diet coke, i decided to try and ENJOY Diet Coke. I realized its probably better than a "diet, cherry chocolate, vanilla cream Dr. Pepper BLAST" that my dad for some reason seems to think is good. and now i am a victim of this wicked drink. I now understand the craze and can appreciate a good Diet Coke. However, i am very picky about my Diet Cokes. I can't drink it out of the can nor can i drink it out of any regular cup. It has to be in a big glass with lots of ice and lots of lime! Yes please and thankyou!


kirk n stacy said...

Son, Do as I SAY; Not do as I DO!
Its such a bad bad habit...you bad bad boy.

Tiffany + Jared said...

AMEN to the lime. Welcome to the Bakers, we done you proud.